
Praying the Lord's Prayer: Hallowed be Thy Name

Matthew 6:5-13

September 9, 2018 • Rev. Adam Feichtmann

I often see prayer as medicine, yet Jesus sees prayer as food.
(adapted from a Tim Keller quote)

In my life of prayer, the first thing that I normally ask of God is a petition for him to help me in some way. The first thing that Jesus asks of God, in the Lord's Prayer, is for God's name to be hallowed, to be treated as holy and sacred, to be given glory and worship. Why?

This Sunday we are continuing our fall sermon series through The Lord's Prayer by looking at its' first petition, which is "Hallowed be Thy Name." In preparation for Sunday, meditate on why you think Jesus would purposefully teach his disciples, and us today, to not have the first thing that they/we pray for be a petition for help, but rather a petition to hallow God's name.

I look forward to worshiping and praying with you this Sunday!

Pastor Adam