
He Has You Where He Wants You

1 Corinthians 7:17-24

March 11, 2018 • Rev. David Juelfs


Really, stop right now. Don’t move. Don’t think. Don’t plan. Don’t look forward. Just stop.

Who are you right now? Where are you right now?

Pause all the aspirations: relationally, personally, vocationally, financially. All of it.

Let it sink in, the reality of who you are now.

How do you feel?

Now what?

This is what 1Corinthians 7 is all about. Yes, that passage has much to say about marriage, divorce, singleness, and sex, but at the very core it is about this: if you remain exactly where you are today without change, Jesus is abundantly, extravagantly, unthinkably more than enough for a life of explosive significance and joy. Actually, we couldn’t even hope to handle, let alone make use of, all that Jesus is to us at this moment. We don’t need more in the future than what Jesus is to us today.

I kinda believe this… ish, but I want to believe it more and in deeper ways. Let’s worship together this Sunday and trust that Jesus will help us know and experience this reality.

I can’t wait to worship together.

Pastor David

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