
The Mothers of Jesus: Tamar

Genesis 38:11-19, 24-30

December 2, 2018 • Rev. Adam Feichtmann

Advent begins this Sunday!

Get ready to sing Christmas songs, light the Advent candle, start a new sermon series, and make Advent wreaths after the service. It is my favorite season of the year and I am excited to celebrate it with you as we prepare together for the joy of Christmas.

Our Advent sermon series is called "The Mothers of Jesus." In the Gospel of Matthew chapter one, prior to the birth story of Jesus, Matthew prepares the way by writing down Jesus' genealogy. In our more individualistic culture we tend to quickly scan over biblical genealogies, however, back in Jesus' culture a genealogy would be similar to a person's CV or resume. It would showcase who a person was and what they can do. There are several fascinating parts to Jesus' genealogy, but one of the most fascinating is that five women are listed: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Uriah's Wife, and Mary. It was very rare for women to be listed in a genealogy, so that would have jumped off the page to the first century readers of the Gospel of Matthew. It is also very interesting why these five women, these five mothers of Jesus, are listed and not more popular and respected women from the Old Testament.

For each of the four Sundays of Advent and on Christmas Eve we will be looking at each of these women's characters and stories and asking the question, what themes do we see in them that enable us to better anticipate the birth Jesus?

To best prepare for this Sunday spend a few minutes reading, meditating, and praying through the Gospel of Matthew 1:1-17 and Genesis 38 (the whole chapter). Reflect on the character and story of Tamar, asking yourself why do you think Matthew thought it was important to add Tamar to Jesus' genealogy, and how does her character and story enable us to better prepare for the joy of Christmas?

I look forward to worshiping with you this Sunday!

Pastor Adam