

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

July 29, 2018 • Rev. David Juelfs

Is this supposed to make me feel good... or bad?

1 Corinthians 13 is one of the most well known passages in the Bible and for good reason. The lyrical and beautiful pronouncement of the priority of love can send the hopeful and aspirational heart soaring. Thus we hear it often at weddings. However for those struggling to love or challenged by the seemly lack of love in their lives, this passage can feel like a lead weight around the neck. How will we carry the weight of living this way?

We all want to experience love as described in this passage. We all want the strength and courage to love this way. Oh but it is hard. 1 Corinthians 13 offers no invitation to skip through the wild flowers with your love. This is a call to hack through the jungle on a wild adventure, wiping sweat from our eyes, legs aching on the way to a breathtaking vista, on a mission to rescue those in danger, well worth it, but no small feat.

Read 1 Corinthians 13 this weekend. Meditate on it. Pray through it. Feel good and uplifted. Feel bad, challenged and disappointed. Feel both and let Jesus speak into both. Let’s see what he says to us together this Sunday.

I can’t want to worship together.

Pastor David

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