
A Prayer of Confidence

Psalm 23

August 18, 2019 • Rev. Josh Eby

Psalm 23 is one of the most popular psalms and prayers in the Bible.

It resonates with us because we all go through dark valleys in life, and we need to be reminded that God is with us and will comfort us.

If you haven’t already, try and memorize Psalm 23. Spend 5 minutes each day over the next week and dedicate some time and energy to memorizes these 6 short verses. It is not if you will need to pray this prayer, but when you will need to pray this prayer.

This Sunday Rev. Josh Eby will conclude his month long visit by preaching on Psalm 23. As you prepare for the sermon, please also give thanks for all the work that Josh Eby has done for Redeemer over this past year, especially with the pastoral search committee and me.

Have a blessed Lord’s Day this Sunday!

Pastor Adam

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