
The Epiphany of Our Lord

Week 1

January 4, 2020 • Pastor Daniel Ondov

Epiphany means Jesus' revelation to all people throughout the world. As we consider the Wise Men who journeyed from the East to visit Jesus our Lord, we'll encounter Jesus ourselves, recognizing the wonder of Jesus showing up throughout our lives.

The Disciples of Our Lord

January 18, 2020 • Pastor Chad Ott

As Jesus began his ministry, he chose disciples to be his students and followers. Jesus trained them to continue his ministry after his death and resurrection. We will learn from Jesus and his disciples as we seek to be modern-day disciples ourselves.

The Baptism of Our Lord

January 11, 2020 • Pastor Daniel Ondov

Jesus was baptized as a sign of his wholehearted obedience to his Father, and so too we follow his example. Though like John the Baptist we may at first be perplexed as to why Jesus was baptized, we will see that Jesus’s baptism is a crucial part of his saving work in the world, always to be remembered.