
God's Thoughts Toward Us and Upon Us

Psalm 40

June 2, 2019 • Pastor Paul Edwards

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit devised a plan to rescue us from our sin and reconcile us to God. This is God's thoughts toward us (Psalm 40:5). But God also thinks upon us (Psalm 40:17). His thinking upon us is His affection for His elect expressed in the attributes of His righteousness, His faithfulness, His salvation, His lovingkindness, and His truth.

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What's Going on at The Lord's Table?

September 1, 2019 • Pastor Paul Edwards

We apologize for the distortion of the audio on this recording. The Apostle Paul says that our participation at the Lord's Table proclaims the gospel leading to reflection and repentance in anticipation of our reunion with the Lord at His return. But why do we eat bread and drink wine? What is the significance of these specific elements In John 6, Jesus says the bread is His flesh and the wine is his blood. Further He says, if we do not eat the flesh of Jesus and drink the blood of Jesus, we have no life. What is happening at the Lord's Table when we eat the bread and drink the wine?

Turn Us and Return to Us

August 18, 2019 • Pastor Paul Edwards

Psalm 80 is a lament under the dark providences of God and appeal to God's character to shine forth in the darkness of His providence. How does God reveal Himself to us when our prayers go unanswered and our spirits are weighed down by God's absence?

The Paradox in Perseverance

August 11, 2019 • Pastor Paul Edwards

Only those believers who persevere and endure to the end will be finally saved. The paradox in our perseverance is that God keeps us from falling but we keep ourselves in the love of God. Keeping ourselves requires discipline and effort on our part by the enabling of God through His grace. What does this discipline and effort look like in practical terms?