
The Other Side of the Manger

Luke 2:15-20

December 29, 2019 • Pastor Paul Edwards

"And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them..." [Luke 2:15-20]

Just as suddenly as the angels came - with glory shining all around; with fear; with good tidings; with great joy - they were gone.

Just as suddenly as Christmas came - with its music; its movies; its buying; its wrapping; its giving; its anticipation; its surprises; its joy - it is over.

What do we do on the other side of the manger - on the other side of Christmas - when the fanfare and excitement passes?

We return to the routine of our lives [Luke 2:20], but not as we were!

No! We have seen! We have heard! And we are changed!

Changed - not by the angels who went away as suddenly as they appeared - not by the fanfare - but by the message which remains: that which the Lord has made known unto us: a Savior, Christ the Lord.