
"They Called...He Answered Them"

Psalm 99:6-8

July 11, 2021 • Pastor Paul Edwards

What's so amazing about God's people calling upon the Lord and the Lord answering them?

When we consider the holiness of the LORD against the backdrop of our rebellion and rejection of the LORD, it is amazing that He answers our call rather than just consuming us in His wrath.

Inciting Hallelujahs

September 5, 2021 • Pastor Paul Edwards • Psalm 117

Psalm 117 is the gospel in miniature. Here, both Jew ("the people") and Gentile ("the nations") are called upon to praise Jehovah. But how can Gentiles, whose gods are idols, be expected to praise Jehovah, the exclusive God of Israel? What has God done to incite shouts of "Hallelujah!" even from those who don't recognize Him as God?

God in the Dock

August 29, 2021 • Pastor Paul Edwards • Psalm 44:8–16

What do you sing when your present (negative) experience of God contradicts what you believe about God? How do you reconcile God's 'former favor' with your 'experience of pressing ills'?

The God of Yeshurun

August 22, 2021 • Pastor Paul Edwards • Deuteronomy 33:26–29

Yeshurun is not a proper name. It is a term of endearment used by God to endear Himself to His people, even when we have rebelled against the lavish overtures of His grace.