
RedeemerWOMEN Bible Study- SAVED

Experiencing the Promise of the Book of ACTS- Part 3

January 28, 7:00pm - March 25, 2025 8:30pm

In this continuation of Nancy Guthrie's SAVED (a study of the book of ACTS), we will continue to see God's plan of salvation being proclaimed "to the ends of the earth." Our first week will be a review of Nancy's book's Part One, "Salvation in Jerusalem", and Part Two, "Salvation in Judea and Samaria". The remaining 8 weeks will cover Acts chapters 13 through 28; "Salvation to the Ends of the Earth".

Join us for 9 Tuesday nights, from Jan 28th through March 25th, from 7:00pm-8:30pm, in the Redeemer Sanctuary. Everyone must register so we can prepare for adequate setup needs. So excited to welcome familiar and new faces!

No additional materials are needed for this second semester if you are continuing from the Fall.

If you are new the study you will need a Personal Bible Study. The text (book) is recommended, although you do have the option of purchasing the access to the video download. All materials Redeemer buys must be requested by 1/19/2025.