
In Bringing His Plans to Pass Pt 1. (Genesis 41:1-45)

May 26, 2024 • Kofi Adu-Boahen • Genesis 41:1–45

Ever felt like God has forgotten you? Like your circumstances don't make any sense? This powerful sermon from Genesis 41 shows how even when Joseph was stuck in prison after being falsely accused, God was orchestrating events behind the scenes for an incredible deliverance.

Through vivid dreams to Pharaoh, God discloses His sovereign plan, mobilizes the players, and elevates Joseph to preserve life and fulfill covenant promises. If you're wondering "What is God doing?", be encouraged to trust His perfect timing and process. He is the God who "orders all things in line with His plan."

Nothing happens by chance - every detail works towards His unstoppable purposes. Be inspired by Joseph's example to give God glory and wait patiently for Him to make the mysterious clear in His way. Our God is meticulously weaving every thread together for His glory and our ultimate good.