
Surviving the Family Circus

Surviving the Family Circus Ch 1. The Parents Priority

June 12, 2016 • Dr. Jayce O'Neal

A parent’s priority is to gradually transfer a child’s dependence away from the parents until their dependence rests solely on God.

Surviving the Family Circus Ch 2. Unchanging Principles of Discipline

June 19, 2016 • Dr. Jayce O'Neal

Live Jesus' example and you can be the parent every child needs.

Surviving the Family Circus Ch 3. Discipline

June 26, 2016 • Dr. Jayce O'Neal

Disciplining your kids shows the same type of love God has for us.

Surviving the Family Circus Ch 4. Now What?

July 3, 2016 • Dr. Jayce O'Neal

You can’t change the past, but God can change the path.