
My Secret

My Secret Ch 1. Resurrecting Freedom

April 20, 2014 • Dr. Jayce O'Neal

Your secret sins do not need to control your life. The truth can set you free.

My Secret Ch 2. Breaking Bad

April 27, 2014 • Dr. Jayce O'Neal

You cannot serve two masters; you are either serving Jesus or something else. The only Master we should have in our lives is Jesus, but oftentimes we are enslaved in our own desires.

My Secret Ch 3. Overcoming the Giant

May 4, 2014 • Dr. Jayce O'Neal

Sexual sins will steal, kill, and destroy you, if they are allowed to take root.

My Secret Ch 4. Winning the Shame Game

May 11, 2014 • Dr. Jayce O'Neal

Stop listening to the lies of Satan, leaving you enslaved to shame. Instead, embrace the promises of God in your life and experience freedom from your past.

My Secret Ch 5. Removing the Me Monster

May 18, 2014 • Dr. Jayce O'Neal

The message of Jesus is not "Believe in Me, and live for yourself." Rather it is, "Die to yourself and live like Me." Living as a follower of Jesus means rejecting our selfish tendencies and investing in others.