
Stay Positive

Stay Positive Ch 1. I'm Optimistic

September 16, 2018 • Dr. Jayce O'Neal

What you know of tomorrow shapes your view of today.

Stay Positive Ch 2. Confidence In God

September 23, 2018 • Pastor Mark Lawrence

God is a covenant God; He will do what He's promised to do!

Stay Positive Ch 3. I'm Enthusiastic

September 30, 2018 • Dr. Jayce O'Neal

Our enthusiasm in life reveals the love level we have for Jesus. - PRAYER - Lord, Help me stay close to you and I ask that you would grow Joy in my heart. Help me to Choose Joy and be enthusiastic today. I ask that your Holy Spirit Fills my mind and guides and renews my thoughts to be joyful …Fill my heart and guide and renew my emotions to be enthusiastic …Fill my mouth and guide and renew the words I speak to be life giving …Fill my will and guide and renew my actions to reflect hope …Fill my eyes and guide and renew how I see things to be optimistic …Fill my ears and guide and renew how I hear things to be full of faith Help me to grow closer to you, so that my enthusiasm grows and I can impact those around me. Today, in faith I choose Joy to be enthusiastic because of who you are and the future you’ve given me.

Stay Positive Ch 4. I'm Thankful

October 7, 2018 • Dr. Jayce O'Neal

BIG IDEA: A thankful heart shapes a happy heart

Stay Positive Ch 5. I'm Encouraging

October 14, 2018 • Dr. Jayce O'Neal

An encouraging person reflects Jesus. A critical person ignores Jesus.

Stay Positive Ch 6. I'm Generous

October 21, 2018 • Dr. Jayce O'Neal

Sometimes we have to give up the things we love for the things we should love more.