
The Fine Tuning Argument

From galaxies and stars down to atoms and subatomic particles, the very structure of our universe is determined by THESE numbers

These are the fundamental constants and quantities of the universe.

Scientists have come to the shocking realization that each of these numbers has been carefully dialed to an astonishingly precise value, a value that falls within an exceedingly narrow life-permitting range.

If any one of these numbers were altered by even a hairsbreadth, no physical, interactive life of any kind could exist anywhere.

What Is God Like?

November 7, 2023 • William Lane Craig

What is God really like? What attributes does he have? Why are they important for us to know?

So, You Just Became A Christian

September 1, 2022

If you’ve recently become a Christian, welcome to the family! Here's some encouragement and advice to help you grow in your faith. 

Is There Meaning To Life?

Why am I here? Is there a reason we’re here? Do our lives have any real significance? Well, that depends on whether or not God exists.