
Divine Simplicity | EPS Panel

Nov 2018 | EPS Panel Discussion

November 19, 2018 • William Lane Craig, Richard Howe, Stephen Davis, Brian Huffling

On November 19, 2018, Dr. Craig participated in a panel discussion on Divine Simplicity. This session was part of various EPS sessions at the 2018 AAR/SBL meeting in Denver, Colorado.

The presenters and their papers:
William Lane Craig | Objections to Divine Simplicity

Richard G. Howe | Southern Evangelical Seminary: Antecedents to Aquinas' Doctrine of Simplicity

Stephen T. Davis | Claremont McKenna College: Why Simplicity is Unnecessary

J. Brian Huffling | Southern Evangelical Seminary: Responding to Objections to Divine Simplicity.

The doctrine of divine simplicity has enjoyed much interest as of late, both from supporters and detractors. This panel discussion offers an opportunity for scholars on both sides of the issue to present their cases.

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