
WR21 Fast - Day 1

WEEK ONE | Jesus Said Yes to a World That Would Say No to Him.

April 28, 2024 • Joy Chickonoski • John 1:1–5, Genesis 1:1

DAY 1 - Today’s devotional was written by Joy, Co-Leader of RLM, and today's reading is: John 1:1-5, Jesus said yes, the world said no.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him not even one thing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of mankind. And the Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not grasp it. [John 1:1-5 NASB20]

Welcome to the waiting room devotional. We will spend the next 21 days preparing our hearts for a personal pentecost by fasting the hectic/isolated lifestyle. So let's start at the beginning…

This passage in John 1 was our theme verse in 2022, “Joy in His-story.” The Hebrew letter for the number two is bet and it means “covenant” or “habitation.” Jesus said “yes” to leaving all the glory of heaven, that was rightfully His, to come to earth and create habitation with humanity. Here is how it works, the number for God is one, aleph in Hebrew. It means “oneness.” In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), and the Word (Jesus) was with God and with the Word (Jesus) was God. Then Genesis 1:1 continues this thought, “In the beginning… the Spirit hovered over the surface of the deep.” John echoes Genesis when he writes, “And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not grasp it.” 

God was one, then He formed two. Two worlds now existed. Jesus became flesh and inhabited our world, so our bridegroom can become one flesh with His bride. Aleph is a silent letter, while bet explodes with the frequency of habitation. God is unknown (the darkness does not grasp the light) until He becomes known in the hearts of those who, by faith, see the unseen. Jesus said “yes” to us and when we say “yes” to Him heaven comes to earth and God’s glory is revealed!

This will be the theme of our waiting room fast and devotional. It is a time to step away from our hectic/isolated lifestyle to habitat with God, to waiting upon Him so He can shine His light into our darkness. This is a Kairos moment in time to quiet our hearts and focus our thoughts upon God. Then, we can know the unknown, see the unseen and encounter Jesus in the R.E.A.L. world. It is time for overflow…again. 

1. Ask Holy Spirit how He desires you to engage this fast for the next 21 days. Write down what He tells you.

2. Write out your response to His invitation to engage Him. How are you going to take advantage of this Kairos moment that has been prepared for you?

3. Share your thoughts with your family or prayer partner so you can share in the advantages of accountability. 


REMEMBER: Click the 'WR21 DETAILS' button for a list of the various ways we are fasting in preparation for Pentecost.

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