
A Crafted Prayer for the Coronavirus

Peace, Be Still…And Exchange Crowns

November 30, 2020 • Joy Chickonoski

Sometimes God shows up in undeniable ways. This morning is one of those times. I was in prayer asking Father how to pray and what my position needed to be for the corona virus to end. He reminded me of the crafted prayer He gave us at RLM back at the beginning of this and so I brought it up on my screen to pray it once more.

Then it came, a knock on the door and a giant box on my porch. It was this painting; a Christmas gift from our Home Church Pastors in South Carolina. It is the perfect picture of "Peace Be Still." However, it is much more personal than that to me. When I pray, this is the exact image that comes to my mind; it is my secret place with Jesus. Just the two of us in the boat after He calms the storm. It is also the place where He calls me out of the boat to walk on the water with Him. Be encouraged today! This is our time to rest in God and watch Him do supernatural things in our midst. Feel free to join me in praying this crafted prayer called "Peace Be Still." Click link above to read and/or print.