
God, Marriage And Divorce The Dangers Of Splitting Up A Home - 3A

05/10/24 - 1 Corinthians 7:10-24

Today, Pastor Jack teaches that marriage is under attack today, more than any other time. Challenge after challenge can eventually lead to divorce if we don’t consider marriage as the ultimate calling for the family.

Who We Are - C

Today, Pastor Jack teaches us that as Christians, we are to be Godly examples for the unbeliever. By being faithful for Christ, we will be faith filled examples for others.

Who We Are - B

Today, Pastor Jack teaches that as true believers, we are united through our worship and devotion to Christ, as each one of us are mindful of one another's well-being.

Who We Are - A

Today, Pastor Jack teaches that as Christians we may live in the world, but we are not of the world. We are not to conform to the culture of our day but are to follow Christ alone and be obedient to His will.