
We Interrupt This Program...

Judges 21:25

January 24, 2018 • Jack Hibbs • Judges 21:25

I wouldn't be here, if it wasn't for the grace of God.
A Sanctity of Life Special Message
In this message we tackle the pro-life issue in honor of Sanctity of Life month. The month of January is dedicated to honoring life by standing for the dignity and value of every human life, especially the unborn children.
Did you know that 1 in every 3 women in the church has had an abortion? This is a frightening statistic. We can rest in the assurance that hope, healing and restoration are available through our Lord Jesus Christ. As a church, we need to wake up to this shocking reality.
I’ll be sharing more about my mother’s failed abortion attempt and the importance of defending children in the womb, as well as coming alongside those who have had an abortion.
Please share with a friend as we confront this issue. I look forward to seeing how the Lord uses this message for His glory.
In Christ,
Pastor Jack

When You See

Jack Hibbs

Thanksgiving 2020

Jack Hibbs

Join us in giving thanks to God for His abundant blessings!

Let Us Reason

Jack Hibbs

Pastor Jack sets aside time to answer questions from the congregation and uses Scripture to give wise counsel.