In this Advent sermon, Jon DeYonker encourages us to lift our eyes above the cultures vision for Christmas to a ‘A Higher Joy’ found in the arrival of Jesus. He contrasts the fleeting happiness of material possessions and perfect moments with the "good news of great joy for all people", as announced at Christ's birth. With our joy set on Christ and His salvation we can be a people who live marked by joy even amidst the struggles and pains of life.
December 8, 2024 • Sean Gasperetti • Isaiah 9:6
True peace is not obtained simply in the absence of conflict. Pastor Sean continues our advent series as we discover what Isaiahs prophetic words meant in chapter 9 verse 6 calling Jesus the "Prince of Peace"
In this we explore three types of peace—upward (with God), inward (within ourselves), and outward (with others)—this message encourages us to actively pursue peace during the Advent season through prayer, reflection, and reconciliation.
December 1, 2024 • Sean Gasperetti • Psalm 130
Pastor Sean kicks off a four-week Advent series, focusing on the theme of hope as we prepare for the celebration of Christ's birth and anticipate His return. Drawing from Psalm 130, Sean explores how biblical hope isn't just wishful thinking but a deep, anchored trust in God's faithfulness, even in the darkest times. In this, we are challenged to reflect on where we place our hope, reminding us that true hope lies in Jesus—our savior and the promise of an eternal future.