
Royal Dysfunctional Family


June 6, 2024 • Kevin Utile • 2 Samuel 11

This sermon series is on a teaching from The One Year Bible. We are reading daily as a church and then one of the pastors or leaders is teaching from what we read. We are trusting that Jesus is going to give us a fresh word every time we meet together.

This sermon is on the dysfunction of king David's family. We will see the domino effect David's adultery had on his children, bat also how it drew him closer to the Lord. We will consider scriptures from 2 Samuel and Psalms.

We are so glad you decided to join us this week for Church online live. Please reach out and let us know how we can better pray for you. Make the most of this opportunity to draw closer to God while we have online church services.

We love you and are praying for you. Enjoy our online church service!


Give: https://reachchurch.co/give

Bulletin: https://reachchurch.co/bulletin

Services: Sunday -- 10:00am | Thursday -- 7pm

Contact: info@reachchurch.co


Feel free to find out more about us and listen to more sermons at our website or social media.






Reach Church is a church located in Broomfield, Colorado and is affiliated with Calvary Chapel, find out more or get connected at http://reachchurch.co

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