
People Saved

May 2, 2021 • Brian McCormack • 2 Corinthians 5:17–21

We are committed to being a church where those far from God are brought into God’s family...all the time. To see people saved we must know why people need saving — and we must be aware of the habits and attitudes that will stand in our way.

Churches Planted

June 6, 2021 • Brian McCormack

If you are passionate about people being saved, disciples being made, and cities being served, you should be passionate about church planting — whether you ever plant one yourself or not.

Cities Served

May 30, 2021 • Brian McCormack

A large part of our vision is to be a church that serves our city. Not just one city, but every city where God has placed us. We are wildly committed to serving the hurting and marginalized, and we send people to do the same all around the world. You can expect Reach to be a place that consistently aims our arrows out, so we can be the church that our community actually needs.

Leaders Trained

May 23, 2021 • Gerry Breshears

Worldly leadership seems to be all about commanding. In contrast, Biblical leaders lead by equipping, inspiring, empowering, unifying, exemplifying, caring, and overseeing. They teach, shepherd, correct, rebuke, encourage with great patience. Listen as Reach elder, Dr. Gerry Breshears, joins us to share about our vision to see leaders trained.