
Grow Up!

October 23, 2016

October 23, 2016 • Pastor Sean Azzaro

A metaphor for the Christian life is the maturing of an infant to an adult. What are the keys to Christian maturity? How do we be intentional to grow in our faith so that we become the people God designed us to be? This message outlines the third of our five key decisions on the journey to real life--grow.

Now What?

November 20, 2016 • Pastor Sean Azzaro

The vision of a Church for Real Life is one that has the potential to impact thousands of lives. This is the mission and the responsibility of the church, which is us. The vision for a Church for Real Life depends on followers of Jesus stepping up and taking ownership!

Too Afraid To Share

November 13, 2016 • Pastor Sean Azzaro

As believers, we have a great responsibility and privilege to share how to find life and fulfillment through Jesus, yet we do not typically jump at the opportunity to share the Lord. What is it about sharing that seems to paralyze us in the midst of opportunity?

The Servant

October 30, 2016 • Pastor Sean Azzaro

Our world is filled with brands, products, and services. We expect and demand high-levels of service and will rate them accordingly. But, a church for real life has a very different vision of service. We measure how well we are serving others, rather than how well they are serving us.