
Holly Randall - First Liberty Institute

Reaching For Real Life - #620

May 28, 2024 • Pastor Sean Azzaro

Sean's special guest is Holly Randall of First Liberty Institute. FLI is responsible for successful Coach Kennedy case - he was the man who was fired for praying on the 50 yard line of a high school football field. First Liberty Institute fights the fight defending our rights found in our Constitution. And the fight continues. Listen to what's going on today, and why Pastor Sean is a one issue voter...Religious Liberty!

Youth Pastoring in 2024 - Clay Burkholder

June 12, 2024 • Pastor Sean Azzaro, Pastor Clay Burkholder

As VBS, and Church Camps ramp up, Pastor Sean Azzaro grabbed RCCC's Youth Pastor Clay Burkholder to get his take on what it’s like being a youth pastor in 2024 with the challenges our kids face today.

Crossroads Asia - Mark Fortney

June 5, 2024 • Pastor Sean Azzaro, Mark Fortney

41% of the worlds population is "unreached" - no Bible, no churches, no neighboring believers. And of those 48% of the unreached live in just 6 countries - India, Nepal, Tibet, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar. Along comes Crossroads Asia. Pastor Sean interviews the Co-Founder and President Mark Fortney...a former businessman who answered God's calling to attend seminary, Pastored, served as Missions Pastor under Chuck Swindoll, and now leading a ministry with the goal to make God famous in key "crossroads" cities.

KC Catholic Kicker Causes Controversy

May 21, 2024 • Ephesians 5

Off Sides is really the call... Conservative Catholic Kansas City Super Bowl Champ Harrison Butker delivers the commencement speech at The Benedictine College where his words earned him a standing ovation, and another part where his comments were followed by 18 seconds of applause. It was that comment that Media jumped on (and others that were pro-family/pro-life), and forced the NFL to release a statement distancing them from the content of the speech. Pastor Sean Azzaro gets in the game himself with a message to be bold...and you can do it too.