
A Conversation with Pastor Marcus Burgos - Shepherd of the Hills Church

Reaching For Real Life - #630

August 13, 2024 • Pastor Marcus Burgos, Pastor Sean Azzaro

Pastor Sean sits with Pastor Marcus Burgos of Shepherd of the Hills Church in East Terrell Hills in San Antonio. Pastor to Pastor - Co-Laborers for the Kingdom...but Pastor Marcus is doing double duty.

Pastor Marcus is Bi-Vocational because he is also the Director of Ministry Development with Salem San Antonio and AM630 The Word (AKA KSLR). Marcus also Shepherds a Bi-Lingual church where he preaches in English and Spanish at the same time. Plus a Husband, and Father... Wow!

(Fun Fact: This is RFRL Episode #630 and Marcus is from AM630 The Word).

You can also hear Pastor Sean on AM630 The Word at 2pm Monday-Friday.