
Why the Residential Program is So Effective

July 14, 2020 • Steve Gallagher

Pure Life Ministries has been a pioneer in dealing with sexual addiction for 30+ years now. In fact, ours was the first Christian Residential Program for sexual addicts in the world.

Thousands of men have gone through our program since we began and are now enjoying the blessings of a victorious Christian life.

Our experience in this field has been gained in large part because we have lived “in the trenches” with the men who come to us for help. Our 24/7 approach to ministry has given us innumerable valuable insights into what it takes to lead a man into victory.

Additionally, Pure Life Ministries understands the roots of sexual addiction and that this issue requires a man to look to God for true freedom. Rather than offering quick-and-easy answers which produce no real change, our entire curriculum is founded on the Word of God, which provides the only tried and true solutions to man’s problems.

Having said that, I want to zero in on a number of key components to our Residential Program which create the perfect opportunity for men to find the freedom they have desired.

### Distance & Duration

Men coming to us for help will—perhaps for the first time in their lives—be afforded the opportunity to live away from the negative influences of the world. The sexualized culture of the United States makes it extremely difficult for a man to find freedom from sexual addiction. Breaking those habit patterns simply takes time.

The Residential Program acts as a buffer to the world, filtering out ungodly influences and sources of temptation. Simply making the move to rural Kentucky will prove to be a major help in itself. Harmful relationships are ended, and the area of so many past defeats is left far behind. Our Residential Program, situated on a serene 45-acre campus in north-central Kentucky, provides men a tremendous opportunity to begin a new life with God.

### Structure & Counseling

A central component of our program is its structured pathway into disciplined living. This is of the utmost importance for men who have a history of lacking self-control in their lives.

Our students are required to attend meetings, maintain daily devotions, complete homework assignments and learn to live in true obedience to Scripture. As structure, accountability and discipline are worked into a man’s life, strength of character develops, enabling the man to deny temptations and equipping him to go on living a victorious life in Christ even after he graduates.

Meaningful, one-on-one counseling also plays a key role in the process. Our low student-to-counselor ratios allow our staff to invest personally and consistently with each individual student. Our counselors have not only been trained and certified in biblical counseling, but they have all graduated from the Residential Program themselves. Therefore, they speak from their own hard-fought battles out of sexual addiction, and share the biblical answers to living a victorious life that they themselves received and utilized.

### A Godly Environment

Ultimately, the most influential factor in the transformation of a sexual addict’s heart and life is an encounter with the Living God.

Countless men have experienced deep and life-changing repentance at Pure Life Ministries. God’s presence permeates the campus. In fact, everywhere one turns—whether walking on the “prayer trail,” attending a worship service or just sitting alone with an open Bible—the sense of the Holy Spirit can be felt. This fosters an environment that paves the way for true repentance and the development of an obedient, victorious lifestyle.

The spiritual atmosphere maintained at Pure Life Ministries has not come about by accident. Our staff is dedicated to a lifestyle of daily prayer and intercession. We do our utmost to walk in the love, humility and consecration exemplified by Jesus Christ. Visitors have often told us that they immediately experienced a strong sense of God’s peace when they arrived on our campus.

Many men experience encounters with the Lord in our chapel services. Unlike typical churches where people are talking or rushing about before worship, every service at Pure Life Ministries begins with a time of quiet reflection and seeking God’s presence. And unlike most stressed out pastors who must come up with multiple messages a week, our ministers preach once a month, giving them quality time to really seek God over what He wishes them to share. Every quarter we also open our pulpit to godly preachers from other ministries. These special meetings are always a time of tremendous blessing to the students.

### In Conclusion

We do not believe men show up at Pure Life Ministries by happenstance. The staff prays over every open bed and we know that when a man shows up, it is because the Lord has sent him to us in answer to our prayers. We consider the student’s time with us to be a God ordained period in his life.

Unquestionably, the Lord abides in this place in a very special way and He has freedom in His hand for any who wish to appropriate it. It’s no wonder that so many men are forever changed after spending nine months living at Pure Life Ministries.

*Steve Gallagher is the Founder and President of Pure Life Ministries. He has dedicated his life to helping men find freedom from sexual sin and leading Christians into the abundant life in God that comes through deep repentance.*

*Copyright © 2020 by Pure Life Ministries. Permission is granted to use, copy, distribute, or retransmit information or materials on this page, so long as proper acknowledgment is given to Pure Life Ministries as the source of the materials, and no modifications are made to such material.*

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