
Men's Sexual Sin Q&A (Part 2)

February 3, 2024

Thanks for joining us today! We hope this conversation is a blessing and pray that the Lord uses it in a powerful way. We want to make you aware of other resources we provide that can help you with next steps on your journey towards freedom. If you are interested in our counseling programs, please check out one of the links below:

9-month Residential Program for men: https://www.purelifeministries.org/residential

16-week At-Home Counseling for men: https://www.purelifeministries.org/overcomers

16-week At-Home Counseling for women: https://www.purelifeministries.org/struggling-women

12-week At-Home Counseling for hurting wives:https://www.purelifeministries.org/for-wives

Check out our flagship book, At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry. There’s a good reason it’s sold some 200,000 copies since its first release in 1986: it provides a clear roadmap to victory over sexual sin. https://store.purelifeministries.org/product/at-the-altar-of-sexual-idolatry/

You can find our entire selection of books by visiting https://store.purelifeministries.org/

And finally, to stay connected with us you can download the Pure Life Ministries smartphone app to get access to podcasts, videos, articles and tons of other great content. Available on IOS and Android.