
#6 - Expansion of the Church

The Book of Acts Series

February 5, 2021 • Steve Gallagher

No one expected to be driven from the city to city from fear of a blood hungry Pharisee. But what the enemy had intended for evil, the Lord used to expand the church and spread the news of the gospel. It would have taken generations, perhaps, to accomplish what persecution did in one day.

#1 - The Commission of the Church

January 1, 2021 • Steve Gallagher

Prior to His ascension, Jesus gave a mission statement to His disciples, explaining to them what they were to do and how and where it was to happen. This work that He began would now continue through the agency of the Holy Spirit. Although Peter and Paul would be the prominent ministers in the book of Acts, they would not be the central character; that position was reserved for Christ alone.

#2 - The Birth of the Church

January 8, 2021 • Steve Gallagher

Jesus ascended to His throne 40 days after His death. The following ten days were spent in intense prayer and waiting upon the Lord by the 120 followers He left behind. Then "suddenly" on the Day of Pentecost, Jesus fulfilled His promise to baptize them with the Holy Spirit and fire! The effects in the spiritual realm and on the city of Jerusalem would change the course of world history.

#3 - The Growth of the Church

January 15, 2021 • Steve Gallagher

The first order of business for the apostles after Pentecost was discipling and organizing 3,000 new believers! It was a time of great excitement as God's Spirit moved freely through the primitive Church. One day, the Lord healed a lame man through Peter and John. Then came a stirring message--adding another 2,000 believers to the burgeoning Church--followed by opposition of the enemy. But the disciples refused to be intimidated or to stifle their testimony of the Messiah.