In this sermon, Pastor Jathan Gerdes of Propel Church focuses on the importance of understanding the end times, particularly the Millennial Reign of Christ. He explains that Jesus, the Lamb of God, is the only one worthy to bring redemption and judge the earth. During the Millennial Reign, there will be unparalleled peace, joy, justice, and the presence of God as Christ rules over the earth. Pastor Jathan encourages believers to keep their eyes on Jesus, be prepared for His return, and remain hopeful about what God has in store.
**Key Takeaways:**
1. **Jesus Will Rule in the Millennial Reign:** Believers will experience peace, joy, and justice under Christ's perfect leadership.
2. **God's Promises Will Be Fulfilled:** The future reign of Jesus showcases God’s faithfulness and ultimate plan for humanity.
3. **Stay Faithful and Watchful:** Understanding biblical prophecy helps believers remain focused and undeterred by challenges.
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