
3/7 Hope in Living Water

March 7, 2021 • Jason Swick

Water is a very important theme throughout the Bible. Today we explore the river visions of John in Revelation 21-2 and Ezekiel and how they provide an image of living water that wells up to eternal life.

The prayer by Chris Tiegreen for our mornings is...
Lord, how can I love you today?
What act of worship can I do?
What words can I utter that will honor & bless you?
What act of service can I do to represent your love?
How would your Spirit inspire me to pray today?

4/11 Hope in the Ascension

April 11, 2021 • Jason Swick

How important is the ascension of Jesus? What if I told you it makes all the difference in the world. The ascension offers an intimate relationship with God and a purpose for our lives.

4/4 Hope in Resurrection

April 4, 2021 • Jason Swick

Happy Resurrection Day! The power of the resurrection transformed the disciples from fearful & cowardly to fearless & courageous. Resurrection gives us hope as it exhibits God's love and pursuit of us. As we experience the resurrection in baptism we know God's everlasting love and relentless pursuit of us. Then we live with fearless, courageous, hope every day. This is the full worship service. The lesson begins at 35 minutes.

3/28 Hope in God's Future

March 28, 2021 • Jason Swick

What is the future you hope for? What are things in the future you pray for? Today we look at what Isaiah say in the future and how Jesus fulfills that prophecy. This gives us hope as we trust in the future God has in store for those who love Him.