
Session 2 "Building Our Life Around Christ"

October 9, 2019 • Michael Mullink

Michael Mullink, Director of Discipleship at Prince of Peace, draws us into a profound scripture passage in Luke 5: 1-11 "The Call of Simon the Fisherman".

•"Put out into the deep" ... To go where Christ leads requires humility, trust, docility.  What does that look like in my life when I get it right? And what does it look like when I get it wrong?
• "Let down your nets for a catch" ... How may Christ be inviting you to do so (personally and within your leadership team or ministry?
• "At your word I will led down the nets" ... What is the grace you would like to ask Christ for?  Build on last month's question, "What is it that you need from God?" (both personally and as a leader in this community?)

ME25 Engagement Goals

March 4, 2020

Our entire parish leadership gathered on this day to go through and come to an understanding of three engagement goals that we will focus us on as a community. This meeting was hosted by our Develop Team, with the support of the ME25 Engagement Ad-Hoc Team.

Session 1 "We cannot give what we do not have"

September 11, 2019 • Fr. Eric Hill

Fr. Eric Hill gives witness to the reality that in order to live out the mission of our parish we need to be fueled by a relationship of Jesus Christ.