
Covenant Favor (Book 4 Ch5 Pt1)

Mon July 11 GodsKingdom 530pm ET E131

July 8, 2022 • Dr Stephen Everett, Dr. Stephen C Everett

The Antidote to Aloneness - True Fathers provide the family with a name or identity, provisions, a sense of security, a sense of belongingness, and a sense of purpose. These things prevent the family from experiencing the “orphan’s spirit.” It is up to fathers in this season to pursue their sons, that is, to seek reconciliation. As long as fathers stay disconnected from sons, there will be a disruption in the earth of generational transference of divine purpose. The curse of this is that the son accomplishes much less than his father’s generation. Jesus said the apostles would do greater works than He. Real fathers need to have this same goal for their sons. They must NOT leave them orphaned. We must instill the message of God's Covenant Favor.

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Covenant Favor (Ch 4 Pt4)

June 13, 2022 • Dr Stephen Everett, Dr. Stephen C Everett

Covenant Favor (Ch 4 Pt5)

June 27, 2022 • Dr Stephen Everett, Dr. Stephen C Everett

Covenant Favor (Ch 4 Pt3)

June 6, 2022 • Dr Stephen Everett, Dr. Stephen C Everett