
Psalm 119 | Part 20 | Psalms for Shepherds

An audible devotional on Psalm 119 | Part 20

May 4, 2024 • Holly Culhane, Psalms for Shepherds, P4S • Psalm 119:153–160

Today, we’re looking at verses 153 through 160, the stanza of this Psalm that is based on the 20th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Resh.  


As I read this psalm, I thought how much the psalmist sounds like us when we come before our Lord in desperation. We often ask for him to save us from whatever we’re facing. And, while making the request to Him, we often remind Him of His mercies, how we are promised from His Word – which we believe is true and faithful – that those mercies are new every morning, and we beg Him to shower them down upon us in this day and at this time.  


We want God to see our needs, just as the psalmist wanted the Almighty to see his needs. In fact, the psalmist used the same word here that Abraham used when he assured Isaac that God would “see to it” or, in other words, provide the sacrifice necessary for the altar Abraham had built.  


Abraham knew that God would provide a way to rescue Isaac. And the psalmist knew our Lord would rescue him.  


Fellow under-shepherd, please be as assured as Abraham was with Isaac that He will provide what you need during this time. Please be assured that He is full of mercy, and that His Word is truth. 


He will and is shepherding you perfectly during this time. My prayer is that you will hear His voice, that you will respond with obedience, and that your faith will be bolstered while you experience His mercy and follow His truths. 


Thank you for joining me.