Sunday October 22,2023 God Makes You Strong Gone Fishing Series
October 22, 2023 • Joshua Kennedy • Romans 16
Romans 16
Gone Fishing Series
Fishing isn’t an easy profession. There are no set workdays; the hours are endless, with often little results. The weather can often be a problem; you must wait for days and weeks for the conditions to change. Likewise, fishing for souls is not for the faint at heart. We must be on the job 24/7; there is no break from being a living witness. Some missionaries like Hudson Taylor didn’t see any conversions for years. We might think we have caught a fish, and just as they are about to be pulled into the boat, we lose them. Yet, we cannot change professions; if we are going to keep following Jesus, it means fishing for souls. When a fisherman finally gets a big one, they are so thrilled that they forget all the difficulty leading up to it. There is no more incredible feeling than leading someone into eternal life, seeing their chains come off, and being transformed before our eyes.
Here, in the final part of Paul’s letter to the Romans, he gives greetings to all his friends as the custom of the time. Interestingly, considering some denominations’ beliefs regarding women, 40% of those he mentioned were women who, for the most part, were ministry leaders. We can only go as far as our team; Paul had such incredible reach because of the vast team that he established on his mission trips. A team is only as strong as they are connected. Paul communicated through these letters to keep his team strong and His reach far.
Paul’s final instruction to the church in Rome is to watch out for people who cause division by teaching contrary to what Paul had taught them. He encourages them that the God of peace will crush Satan's attempts to hinder the work. We live in a culture where issues are neglected because of the fear of confrontation; we don’t want to offend. We are not of this world; we serve the King In His Kingdom and are, therefore, to do things His way. As Spiritual Leaders, we are to guard the sheep and be willing to do whatever is necessary to maintain the unity of the Spirit (Eph. 4:3).
Galatians 6:9 says, “Let us not become weary in doing good for in the right time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” This is written because it is easy to become weary, to want to give up. We have to keep our eye on the promise of the harvest. The key, as it says in Romans 16:25, “Now all Glory to God, who can make you strong.....” Isaiah 41:10 says to wait on the Lord, and He will renew our strength. Ephesians 6:10-12 says to be strong in the Lord and the power of His might, to put on the whole armor of God…..
We learn here that the key to being good fishermen is strength. God makes us strong, but we must wait on Him and let Him clothe us in his strength. This is a good end to the Gone Fishing series and a good introduction to our next series, which will be “BE STRONG.”
Sunday October 22,2023 God Makes You Strong Romans 16 Gone Fishing Series 10:30 am
October 22, 2023 • Joshua Kennedy • Romans 16
Sunday October 22,2023 God Makes You Strong Romans 16 Gone Fishing Series 9am
October 22, 2023 • Joshua Kennedy • Romans 16
Sunday October 15, 2023 Selfless Servants Romans 15 Gone Fishing Series
October 15, 2023 • David Roberts • Romans 15
Sunday October 15, 2023 Selfless Servants Romans 15 Gone Fishing Series
October 15, 2023 • David Roberts • Romans 15
STUMBLE Romans 14 Gone Fishing Series October 8th Pastor Josh & Pastor Roger 10:30 AM
October 8, 2023 • Pastor Josh, Roger Perry • Romans 14
There are no two humans alike; even twins have different personalities. Each person has been given a level of faith. Our faith comes from God! Who are we to try to make people fit into any religious box? Jesus has set us free, so we should be enjoying our freedom. Yet, as we learn in Romans 14, our freedom should not be at the cost of someone else stumbling. What we believe as our freedom might disagree with someone else’s freedom, and we are not to superimpose ourselves on them.
Some Believers tend to be more legalistic, such as with what they eat and when they gather to worship. For others, they don’t make what they eat a big deal or what day they worship; they ask God to bless all food and are willing to worship the Lord together on any day. Romans 14:3-4 says to not look down on each other or condemn. We are to honor each other’s beliefs in these minor issues. The Lord will judge and approve what is acceptable. If someone is doing something to honor the Lord, who are we to question it?
The Lord commands us to live in a way that does not cause others to stumble. Our freedom can only go as far as whether it respects those around us. Believers can be divided by pity issues, just like a dysfunctional family. We don’t want to lead people out of sin and into church dysfunction. We want new believers to join a family full of people who love Jesus and each other unconditionally. Each person must follow their conviction and yet consider other people’s convictions. If another believer is distressed by what we eat, we have caused them to stumble and will be judged by God.
The kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink but a life of goodness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (vs. 17). Let us evolve to the higher life where we don’t get so easily tripped by one another’s opinions and preferences. Let’s have an eternal focus, our minds set on the King and His kingdom.
STUMBLE Romans 14 Gone Fishing Series October 8th Pastor Josh & Pastor Roger 9 AM
October 8, 2023 • Pastor Josh, Roger Perry • Romans 14
There are no two humans alike; even twins have different personalities. Each person has been given a level of faith. Our faith comes from God! Who are we to try to make people fit into any religious box? Jesus has set us free, so we should be enjoying our freedom. Yet, as we learn in Romans 14, our freedom should not be at the cost of someone else stumbling. What we believe as our freedom might disagree with someone else’s freedom, and we are not to superimpose ourselves on them.
Some Believers tend to be more legalistic, such as with what they eat and when they gather to worship. For others, they don’t make what they eat a big deal or what day they worship; they ask God to bless all food and are willing to worship the Lord together on any day. Romans 14:3-4 says to not look down on each other or condemn. We are to honor each other’s beliefs in these minor issues. The Lord will judge and approve what is acceptable. If someone is doing something to honor the Lord, who are we to question it?
The Lord commands us to live in a way that does not cause others to stumble. Our freedom can only go as far as whether it respects those around us. Believers can be divided by pity issues, just like a dysfunctional family. We don’t want to lead people out of sin and into church dysfunction. We want new believers to join a family full of people who love Jesus and each other unconditionally. Each person must follow their conviction and yet consider other people’s convictions. If another believer is distressed by what we eat, we have caused them to stumble and will be judged by God.
The kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink but a life of goodness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit (vs. 17). Let us evolve to the higher life where we don’t get so easily tripped by one another’s opinions and preferences. Let’s have an eternal focus, our minds set on the King and His kingdom.
God Makes Us Strong
September 28, 2023 • Pastor Josh • Romans 16
Gone Fishing Series
September 24th, 2023 Living Sacrifices Romans 12 10:30am
September 24, 2023 • Pastor Josh • Romans 12
Soldiers, firemen, Police Officers, Parents, and anyone who sacrifices themselves for others are highly admired. The call to Christians goes beyond offering ourselves when the need arises to become living sacrifices. The Levitical system in the Old Testament was a temporary way for the people of Israel to be made right with God. Sacrificing animals was only a shadow, a foretaste to lead to the ultimate sacrifice of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, where our sins are forgiven, and our hearts are changed through the work of the Holy Spirit. When the sacrifices were presented correctly, God responded by sending fire to consume them. Considering all Jesus has done for us, we present ourselves to Him as living sacrifices (12:1), and He responds by baptizing us with Fire.
As we present ourselves to God daily, we are transformed, and worldly behaviors and customs are removed and replaced with the knowledge of His good, pleasing, and perfect will (12:2). Those privileged in the world are full of pride and use their authority to take advantage of others. God’s children humbly acknowledge that their power is not of themselves or for themselves (12:3). We have gifts from the Holy Spirit as different members of the body of Christ to serve each other well (12:4-5). These motivational gifts include the ability to prophesy, serve, teach, encourage, give, lead, and be kind (12:6-8). All believers are to walk in these attributes, but some have a special grace with a particular gift that comes with their specific assignment to serve Christ’s body and witness to the world.
The gifts will move us into ministry, but they won’t be fully received if we don’t have character. People will know if we are pretending and not genuine with love in our acts of service (12:9-10). It is possible to be gifted without character, for God’s “gifts and calling are without repentance (Romans 11:29).” Yet i
t is the fruit of the Spirit that draws people to the person of God, where they can be transformed. People may get healed and delivered through our gifts, but they only change if they are drawn into a relationship with the Lord.
The character of God is seen in our lifestyle of doing good, loving and honoring others, working hard, serving enthusiastically, rejoicing with hope, being patient during trouble, helping those in need, practicing hospitality, blessing those that persecute, being happy with those that are happy, weeping with those that week, living in harmony with others, not looking down on others, never paying back evil, doing all possible to live in peace with everyone, never taking revenge, helping our enemies, and conquering evil with good (12:11-21).
Sunday, October 1st, 2023 Pay What You Owe! Romans 13 Gone Fishing Series Pastor Steve Rahter 9 AM
October 1, 2023 • Pastor Steve Rahter • Romans 13
Sunday, October 1st, 2023
Pay What You Owe!
Romans 13
Gone Fishing Series
Pastor Steve Rahter
Fully Convinced (Romans 15:13-22)
September 21, 2023 • Pastor Josh • Romans 15:13–22
Gone Fishing Series Devotion
September 24th, 2023 Living Sacrifices Romans 12 9am
September 24, 2023 • Pastor Josh • Romans 12
Soldiers, firemen, Police Officers, Parents, and anyone who sacrifices themselves for others are highly admired. The call to Christians goes beyond offering ourselves when the need arises to become living sacrifices. The Levitical system in the Old Testament was a temporary way for the people of Israel to be made right with God. Sacrificing animals was only a shadow, a foretaste to lead to the ultimate sacrifice of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, where our sins are forgiven, and our hearts are changed through the work of the Holy Spirit. When the sacrifices were presented correctly, God responded by sending fire to consume them. Considering all Jesus has done for us, we present ourselves to Him as living sacrifices (12:1), and He responds by baptizing us with Fire.
As we present ourselves to God daily, we are transformed, and worldly behaviors and customs are removed and replaced with the knowledge of His good, pleasing, and perfect will (12:2). Those privileged in the world are full of pride and use their authority to take advantage of others. God’s children humbly acknowledge that their power is not of themselves or for themselves (12:3). We have gifts from the Holy Spirit as different members of the body of Christ to serve each other well (12:4-5). These motivational gifts include the ability to prophesy, serve, teach, encourage, give, lead, and be kind (12:6-8). All believers are to walk in these attributes, but some have a special grace with a particular gift that comes with their specific assignment to serve Christ’s body and witness to the world.
The gifts will move us into ministry, but they won’t be fully received if we don’t have character. People will know if we are pretending and not genuine with love in our acts of service (12:9-10). It is possible to be gifted without character, for God’s “gifts and calling are without repentance (Romans 11:29).” Yet i
t is the fruit of the Spirit that draws people to the person of God, where they can be transformed. People may get healed and delivered through our gifts, but they only change if they are drawn into a relationship with the Lord.
The character of God is seen in our lifestyle of doing good, loving and honoring others, working hard, serving enthusiastically, rejoicing with hope, being patient during trouble, helping those in need, practicing hospitality, blessing those that persecute, being happy with those that are happy, weeping with those that week, living in harmony with others, not looking down on others, never paying back evil, doing all possible to live in peace with everyone, never taking revenge, helping our enemies, and conquering evil with good (12:11-21).
Stumble (Vlog)
September 14, 2023 • Pastor Josh • Romans 14
September 17th, 2023 The Depth of His Riches Romans 11 Minister Dave Roberts 9 AM
September 17, 2023 • David Roberts • Romans 11:25–36
God's Kindness Gone Fishing Series Romans 11:1-24 10:30 am Service
September 10, 2023 • Joshua Kennedy • Romans 11:1–24
God's Kindness
Gone Fishing Series
Romans 11:1-24
The average person does not come to the Lord through us preaching hellfire and brimstone; they come through acts of kindness. We live in a mean and cruel world. When we consistently show people kindness, we gain their hearts, and they become open to our message. Family members often become very resistant, where we can't convince them with words, but if we can maintain our changed attitude and approach in life, it will eventually be hard for them to deny.
It seemed that God had rejected the Israelites for rejecting His Son. The church's history shows many believers have been deceived to think so, but that is not the case, as presented in Romans 11. The Lord allowed judgment to fall on the children of Israel, where they were taken into captivity numerous times in the OT, but it was always for them to learn their lesson and eventually be restored. The Lord never changes, He loves the nation of Israel and always will, and it is promised that just as there was a remnant of prophets who did not bow down to Baal, there is and will be a remnant of Jewish people that put their faith in Jesus Christ.
We may need to separate ourselves from those we love for a period because of their hostility towards us, but it is not that we have rejected them. We trust the Lord to continue drawing our entire households and friends to salvation. Paul focused his ministry on Gentiles but always tried to reach Jews first in every city he visited.
People don't like feeling rejected, but as children of God, we are not to become bitter but rather to continue to show God's grace-His undeserved kindness. There is no greater power than love; it reaps coals on the heads of those who curse us, eventually causing them to open their hearts to God. They may remain asleep for an extended period as described in Romans 11:7-8; they may stumble and fall seemingly beyond recovery; it is the consequences of their disobedience. Yet, the blessings of God will make them jealous, and they will eventually humble themselves and accept the incredible mercy of God.
We are beyond grateful to be grafted into the olive branch as children of Abraham, children of faith, but let us not be hostile towards those who have been cut off. God is both kind and severe. He judges and also shows mercy. Our job is to hate sin but love the sinner, to draw people back, not push them away. As it says in verse 24, just as God grafted us into his cultivated tree, he will graft the original branches back into the tree where they belong.
Let us never give up on our loved ones; we may have to keep our distance for a while, but never too far away where we cannot be reached when they change their heart and seek us out. Let us stand on the promises of salvation for both the nation of Israel and are lost Gentile family and friends.
Praise Tabernacle
Joshua Kennedy, Pastor
2235 Ocean Heights
Egg Harbor Township, NJ 08234
(609) 927-4560(w), (609) 402-8869(c)