
SUMMER 22 Replays: Ep 17 - Critical Journey, Part 1

June 30, 2022 • Stephen W. Smith, Joe Chambers

How do we determine where we are on the spiritual journey? It can be 1 step forward, 2 steps back! This is what we call the Critical Journey, a model that includes 6 stages in our journey in Soul Care. Today we will be discussing the first three stages (next week we will discuss the final three stages):

1. The Converted life – we become very aware of God and yield our life to his control.

2. The Disciples life - Very hungry with the things of god. Necessary to understand an understanding to walk with God.

3. The Productive life – we take the information we learned in phase 2 and begin to put it to work in serving the lord. The danger is an addiction to success, which eventually leads us to hitting the “wall.”