
March Madness

A World Gone Mad?

March 25, 2018 • Pastor Troy Gramling

In these crazy, modern times, it seems that the world has gone mad. Guns, violence, hatred, racism, broken families, homelessness—the list goes on and on. People aren’t listening for God’s voice or purpose, and so all order goes out the window and life seems to lose it’s meaning. So the question is, can we still have purpose and meaning in our lives when the world is so chaotic? Pastor Troy Gramling gives us insight into God’s plan for purpose in our lives— and that only God can be the way, the truth, and the life in this world.

Meaning Madness

March 18, 2018 • Pastor Tyler Gramling

What gives my life meaning? Maybe you’ve asked yourself the question—what is the meaning of life? Why am I even here on earth? Seems like a simple question, but once you start uncovering answers, the more complicated it becomes. Pastor Tyler Gramling opens up the topic of the madness of meaning, and how glorifying God is the ultimate meaning of life for each of us here on earth.

Mood Madness – Dealing With Anger

March 11, 2018 • Pastor Brian Vasil

Of all the madness in this world, I think we can all agree that anger management is something that we can all relate to. Anger at our family members, with our jobs, with our life situation, that life isn’t fair... the list goes on. Anger is a common feeling, but is it a sin? Is it possible to not sin when we are angry? Pastor Brian Vasil deals with the hot topic of dealing with anger, and how to handle anger in such a way so as to not sin, but rather honor even God through the emotion of anger.

Marriage Madness

March 4, 2018 • Pastor Troy Gramling

In this first message of March Madness, we take a magnified look into the madness surrounding marriage and sexuality. This world has an infinite amount of ways that people view relationships and marriage—heavily influenced by the media, public figures, parents, peers, teachers, and society around us. So the question is, how are we to live out our marriages and sexuality? More specifically, what does God intend for us in order that we can live out our best lives in these areas? Join Coach Troy Gramling as he explores the intricate subjects of sexuality and marriage, and how God intends both of these for good in each of our lives!