
Hope for the Future

Can God redeem your past and present for a future full of HOPE?

September 8, 2019 • Pastor Tyler Gramling

The future... it’s full of unknowns, it can be scary, exciting, maybe even hopeless for some. Maybe your past isn’t something you’re proud of. Your present is less than ideal. What about your future? Can God redeem your past and present for a future full of HOPE?

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Hope in the Midst of the Storm

September 1, 2019 • Pastor Troy Gramling

Storms will come in your life. Both literally, and also metaphorically speaking. Life might get hard, you might get discouraged. So the question is, are you going to let these storms beat you... or are you going to beat these storms?

Hope for Love

August 25, 2019 • Pastor Troy Gramling

What does REAL, lasting love look like in this fickle, modern age that we live? Does it exist? Is it possible to experience a love that stands the test of time and all of the tribulations that life throws your way? God created love—love that is perfect and real. The question is, what does this kind of love look like... and how do we obtain it?

Hope for Happiness

August 18, 2019 • Pastor Troy Gramling

Happiness... it’s something we all chase in life. Maybe we are happy for a day... a week... a couple of years. But the feeling seems to always wear off. Why is that? Maybe we are chasing the wrong things to make us happy. What does the Bible say about our hope for happiness in this life?