
Back To School

August 26, 2018 • Pastor Troy Gramling

We all desire to succeed in life—whether it be in our family life, business, marriage, finances... we all want to experience success. The desire for success often brings temptation, which can lead to sin, and ultimately, failure. So what happens when we fail? Can we make a comeback from failure and experience God’s blessings once again?

Lies the Desert Told Me…

September 9, 2018 • Pastor Tyler Gramling

Have you ever felt isolated? Lonely? We’ve all been there. Loneliness often leads to isolation, which is where you are most vulnerable to believing the lies of the devil. “You aren’t good enough, you aren’t successful enough... you’re a failure.” But the question is... what does God say about you? Let HIS voice be louder in your ears through the desert times, drowning out the lies of the devil!

Back to the Basics

September 2, 2018 • Pastor Troy Gramling, Pastor Tyler Gramling

As the back-to-school season is upon us—just as students in school are reviewing the basics of their education, so we also want to go back to the basics of the church... why we exist and for what reason. Maybe you’ve been going to church your whole life, or maybe you’re brand new to this Christianity-thing—why does the church exist? What’s our role, as Christians who make up the body of Christ, in this world in reaching the lost to find hope in Jesus?