Guest Pastor Matt Miller discusses what it means to make Jesus the Lord of our lives. In this teaching he explains how God desires to reconcile and redeem us when we understand and apply true biblical repentance and know that Jesus is the boss.
Do you find yourself in a spiritual funk, wondering how to keep the power of sin from pushing you down? Pastor Troy Gramling closes out the Power series with a powerful teaching that highlights how to crucify the power of sin over our lives.
The Power to Change a Family
July 3, 2016 • Pastor Brian Vasil
Who holds the power in your family? In this teaching Pastor Brian Vasil explains how we often resort to excessive measures to be heard and maintain an upper hand, but true power can be found in forgiveness and sincere repentance.
The Power for Life...
June 26, 2016 • Pastor Troy Gramling
How do we know whether we are living God's will or our own will? What are the consequences? In this teaching Pastor Troy teaches us how to end the power struggle and be powered by God!