
Jesus Is Not A Thief

March 3, 2024 • Pastor Anthony J Shetley • John 10:10

In His parable of the good shepherd, Jesus spoke of the thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Without question Jesus is not speaking of Himself for Jesus came to give not take; He came to give us life, not to take life from us; and He came to restore and make new, not to destroy.

A thief takes what doesn’t belong to him. All things belong to Christ. “God created everything through Him, and nothing was created except through Him.” (John 1:3 (NLT)) A thief takes without permission. Christ will never force or coerce us into giving Him anything. He says, “Whosoever will.” A thief is a liar and a scoundrel. Jesus is pure, just, and holy.

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