
Time to Move On From the Hurts of the Past

2 Samuel 15:12-17

January 19, 2020 • John Anderson

How is it possible to move on from past hurts? Does God just expect us to forget how bad we’ve been treated and not seek vengeance? Here is an example from scripture of what can happen when we fail to move on and forgive.

It’s Time to Move On From Failure

January 5, 2020 • John Anderson

Every single one of us has failed somewhere along the journey of life. The fisherman turned apostle, Peter, was a great example in scripture of one who had some failures in his life. Through the events of his life, God shows us that failure is not a person, but an event. His purposes for us are so much greater than what we like or see for our lives. Our love for Him should motivate us to obey and accomplish His higher purpose!

It’s Time to Move On From Disappointments

December 29, 2019 • John Anderson

We have all faced disappointment in our lives and we all have a choice to make when we do. Heed this lesson from the Israelites who insisted on believing self more than believing God and never realized all that God had in store for them.