
The Pain of Change

#3 - Genesis 32:24-32

January 21, 2018 • John Anderson

Jacob tried most all of his life to escape the process of brokenness, and his self-sufficiency and scheming. God had to have a wrestling match with him and show him some tough but transforming love to bring about change in his life. Are you willing to embrace pain to be brought close to God and live in dependency upon Him?

More from Broken

The Mightiest Are Broken

February 18, 2018 • John Anderson

God wants to use every one of us in a greater way than He is right now.  But we need to be willing to cooperate in the process of being broken to see it happen.  Even the mighty Apostle Paul had a "thorn in the flesh" to bring him closer to God.  Are you willing to be broken so that the power of Christ may rest on you?

The Key to Brokenness

February 11, 2018 • John Anderson

The prophet Isaiah was greatly privileged to get a glimpse of the throne of God - holy, high and lifted up.  We need a similar fresh view of the greatness of our God to set us aright, to bring brokenness and revival. The broken willingly respond, "Here am I, send me."

When the Hits Keep Coming

January 28, 2018 • John Anderson

Bad things happen even to good people.  The life of Job, a spiritual and upright man, proves it.  What do we do when we're in the middle of some horrible situations and heaven seems silent?