
October 2020

Champions Do This Pt. 4

October 30, 2020 • Pastor Glen Curry and John Heart

the unwavering faith and determination it took. They relate John's story to the things all of us are going through. For more information about world renowned trainer John Heart, check out his YouTube channel by clicking on the above button "Mr. America Heart."

Champions Do This Pt. 3

October 29, 2020 • Pastor Glen Curry and John Heart

Pastor Glen, and John Heart, discuss John's testimony about winning the 2013 Mr. America contest, and jokingly talk about the Blues Brothers, who believed they were on a mission from God and couldn’t be stopped. For more information about world renowned trainer John Heart, check out his YouTube channel by clicking on the above button "Mr. America Heart."

Speak the Word

October 28, 2020 • Pastor Glen Curry

The Word of God on your lips will accomplish the same thing that the Word of God accomplished through the lips of Jesus.

The Word Brings Faith

October 27, 2020 • Pastor Glen Curry

Faith comes to us by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17). No matter what it is you need, if you get God’s Word on it, you will believe it and you can have it.

God's Word Heals

October 26, 2020 • Pastor Glen Curry

God sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions (Psalm 107:20). When God wants something done on earth, He sends His Word. When God’s Word is believed, He performs it.

Champions Do This Pt. 2

October 23, 2020 • Pastor Glen Curry and John Heart

Pastor Glen and John Heart talk about the need to focus on the goal and not be distracted, or double-minded, or of two opinions regarding whether you should continue or not. For more information about world renowned trainer John Heart, check out his YouTube channel by clicking on the above button "Mr. America Heart."

Champions Do This Pt. 1

October 22, 2020 • Pastor Glen Curry and John Heart

Pastor Glen and John Heart talk about the role that persistence plays in being a champion. They look at Joseph and the tribulations he suffered and yet how he persevered and ended up second in command of Egypt. For more information about world renowned trainer John Heart, check out his YouTube channel by clicking on the above button "Mr. America Heart."

Satan's Dominion is Broken

October 21, 2020 • Pastor Glen Curry

Few Christians recognize the place that confession holds in the plan of God. If you will begin to confess, affirm, and decree that Satan's power over you is broken, you will be free.

Say What God Says

October 20, 2020 • Pastor Glen Curry

Pastor Glen encourages us to hold fast to our confession of faith in the face of apparent defeat. If you stand by your confession of God’s Word through thick and thin, then God will stand by you and see you through.

Your Confession

October 19, 2020 • Pastor Glen Curry

Jesus is no longer dealing with us based on bloody sacrifices. He deals with us based on what we say. Jesus is called the High Priest of our confession, and is dealing with us according to the words we speak.

God Will Prosper You

October 16, 2020 • Pastor Glen Curry and John Heart

Pastor Glen and John Heart discuss God's desire and will to prosper His people. For more information about world renowned trainer John Heart, check out his YouTube channel by clicking on the above button "Mr. America Heart."

God Will Deliver You

October 15, 2020 • Pastor Glen Curry and John Heart

Pastor Glen and John Heart go through the many promises of God that assure us that God is not only “able” to deliver us, but He said He “will” deliver us. For more information about world renowned trainer John Heart, check out his YouTube channel by clicking on the above button "Mr. America Heart."

What God's Word Does

October 14, 2020 • Pastor Glen Curry

God’s Word is our contact with God. Our contract with God. It renews our mind. It indwells us. It builds us up. It gives us our inheritance. It heals us, and gives us faith.

The Indwelling Word

October 13, 2020 • Pastor Glen Curry

The Bible tells us to let the Word of Christ dwell in us richly (Colossians 3:16). Jesus told us that if the Word was dwelling in us richly, we would ask for anything we want, and it would be done for us (John 15:7).

Reality of Angels

October 12, 2020 • Pastor Glen Curry

Pastor Glen talks briefly about his encounters with angels in 1996.