
March 2017

Act the Part of "The Blessed of the Lord"

March 31, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

God wants you to act like who He has made you to be and who you really are—a winner! Your whole life has been spent acting like somebody you’re not. Now is the time to simply act like who you really are: a child of God.

Get Passionate About the Blessings of God

March 30, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

Some of us are very knowledgeable about the Bible. However, the results we’ve demonstrated in our lives are less than what the Bible promises. God wants you to “act” the part of who He says you are until you actually become that person: the Blessed of the Lord.

Never Ask Small

March 29, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry and Lisa Cumes

There’s no difference between believing and asking for $500 and $50,000 from God. Pastor Glen and Lisa talk about asking and believing for something, we need to ask big!

"The Blessing" Creates a Bigger and Better Life

March 28, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

Being a doer of the Word is not about rule keeping. It’s about creating a mindset and belief system that you are blessed. God wants you to see a new life for yourself. A bigger and better life than anything you’ve known in the past.

"The Blessing" Causes the Blessings

March 27, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

A supernatural revelation, understanding, or awareness of the Blessing will enable you to walk away from the disappointments, regrets and failures of our past an into the future God has prepared for you.

You Are the Blessed of the Lord

March 24, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

When you believe you have the Blessing in you, it is only then, will you start enjoying the effects of the Blessing. The same way you know you have a pancreas and liver you have to know you have the Blessing even though you can’t see it.

The Blessing of the Lord Makes You Rich

March 23, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

God has something much higher for you. The truth is, you are already blessed. Pastor Glen explains the difference from the Blessing and experiencing a blessing.

What Is vs What Could Be

March 22, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry and Lisa Cumes

Pastor Glen and Lisa discuss the difference between what is happening currently in your life vs what could be. Our thinking helps us to change our reality into the desires we have in our heart and thoughts.

Act the Part of a Winner

March 21, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

Your imagination along with meditating God’s Word prepares you for a real-life role of victory, happiness, prosperity, overcoming obstacles, being blessed and being a blessing before those events ever actually occur. Your job is to act out the part of who God says you are… you become a doer of the Word by “acting out” the Word.

Use Your Imagination for Good

March 20, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

God’s method of bringing about the biggest change in your life is getting you to think differently by renewing your mind with the Word of God. Memory and imagination can be your greatest friend or your worst enemy. God gives you the power of meditation and imagination to assure you of better days ahead.

Decree, Declare, and Affirm What God Did For You

March 17, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

In today’s broadcast, Pastor Glen continues his teaching about how we are to speak, declare and affirm boldly what God did for us.

Say What God Says

March 16, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

We are to enforce our victory in Christ by “the word of our testimony.” That is, boldly confessing who your are, what you have and what God did for you when He raised Jesus from the dead.

The Prevailing Thought Gets Manifested

March 15, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry and Lisa Cumes

In this episode Pastor Glen and Lisa talk about how our thoughts have to be in harmony with our desires. We must be thinking about those things we want to come about in our life.

Get Out of the Negative Mental Drama

March 14, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

What you do regularly, you become permanently. The words and thoughts you use to frame your world also frame your future.

Who You Listen To Determines Your Results

March 13, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

Your words, thoughts, beliefs, and lifestyle are preparing you for , and are the cause of either success or failure, happiness or misery, blessings or curses. The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.