
The Desert Sand Wasp

July 19

July 19, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

Most people are like the sand wasp (listen to hear more). They seem trapped in a cycle of unproductive activities focused on non-essentials and wondering why their lives seem so insignificant. Decide today to break the cycle of the mediocre life of unhappiness and insufficiency. Decide to renew your mind to something more and something better while you pursue your dreams without apology.

More from July 2017

Praise Writes God's Resume

July 31, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

When we praise the Lord we are magnifying His experience, wisdom, achievements, goodness, ability, potential, etc. In a sense, we are writing God’s resume. All that we say about God is praise is all that He becomes to and for us.

Fill Your Atmosphere With Praise

July 28, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

So many Christians want blessings before they praise the Lord. This backwards. It has been throughout the Bible and is today — first praise, then increase. Praise must precede us into His presence.

Don't Worry - Praise God

July 27, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

God tells us that regardless of feelings, He hears and answers prayer. God gives us the proper protocol to use when approaching Him in prayer. Through praise and thanksgiving, we magnify who God is as we demonstrate an attitude of gratitude.