
The Power of Agreement

Jan. 17

January 17, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

Discover the untapped power that you have in Christ. Jesus said, “If two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything you shall ask it shall be done for you.”

More from January 2017

Faith Hears, Says, and Acts on God’s Word

January 31, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

Faith must hear, say, and act on God’s Word. To receive your desired result you have to resist contrary circumstances.

Six Steps to Your Miracle

January 30, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

The woman with the issue of blood had bad circumstances resisting her in her endeavor to get to Jesus. It was a huge crowd distancing her from Jesus. The crowd became a barrier keeping her out. Had she not been affirming what she believed for many days, weeks, or years, she may have gotten discouraged and gone home without receiving her miracle.

Your Faith Makes You Whole

January 27, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

The need to constantly affirm what you believe cannot be understated. Constant affirmation of what God’s Word says is the primary way we neutralize the fears and false beliefs that have held us back.