
Ask Big and Receive Big

September 24

September 24, 2018 • Pastor Glen Curry

God told Abraham that He would bless him, make his name great, and he would be a blessing (Genesis 12:2). Based on Romans 4 and Galatians 3, God is making you that same promise today.

You Shall Receive

September 28, 2018 • Pastor Glen Curry

Pastor Glen talks about how prayer is not supposed to be as complicated as we have made it to be. Jesus simply said, “Ask and you shall receive.”

Desire is Possibility Seeking Expression

September 27, 2018 • Pastor Glen Curry

The very thing you desire, desires you. The thing you desire is depending on you to add your effort and faith to materialize that desire in your life. Pastor Glen shares some principles about desire and how to attain it.

Faith Materializes Promises

September 26, 2018 • Pastor Glen Curry

Your faith actually gives substance to the things you hope for, dream about, desire, and were promised by God.