
Called and Anointed Part 2

September 16, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

When Jesus rose from the dead He said, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” Then He turned to the Believers and said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel” (Matthew 28:18-20). You have been deputized. You have been authorized. And you have been anointed to do the works of Jesus.

God's Word

August 2, 2010 • Pastor Glen Curry

A quick, precise look at how to be strong in the Lord by using God's Word.

Called and Anointed Part 1

September 12, 2017 • Pastor Glen Curry

The people in gospel times were astonished at the power and authority of Jesus. The religious leaders knew nothing of the power of God. They only had form, ceremony, and ritual. You have been given right-standing with God, the Holy Spirit, and the mighty name of Jesus to continue the work that Jesus began.

Get Rid of the Worry Habit

November 22, 2016 • Pastor Glen Curry

Worry no more! Pastor Glen shares the keys to be free from fear, doubt, and worry. Learn these principles to become more than a conqueror.