
The Cry Of Sodom

Fountains Of Fornication

September 8, 2024 • Pastor Omar Thibeaux

Pastor Omar delivered a powerful message this Sunday, drawing parallels between contemporary societal issues and the ancient sins of Sodom and Gomorrah as outlined in the Book of Jasher. Addressing the "fountains of fornication," Pastor Omar highlighted how America, in this specific sin, has surpassed even the transgressions of those notorious cities.

Through a compelling mix of historical context and modern application, he challenged the congregation to uphold moral integrity by abstaining from fornication. Emphasizing the sanctity of marriage, Pastor Omar discussed the protective role of marital intimacy. He shared personal testimonies to underline the importance of due benevolence within marriage, which not only strengthens the relationship but also guards it against external threats.

Pastor Omar reiterated that in a marriage, neither spouse's body belongs solely to themselves; rather, it should be shared with loving respect, maintaining a strong and holy bond. This message serves as a call to action for both singles and married couples alike to reflect on their lives and align more closely with God’s commandments.

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